Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> how can I access the subroutines using OOP?
> I don't want to access them with
> MyApp::Controller::Base::subroutine($self, $c, ...);

You have a few options. If the method has no need for $c, just do


If it needs access to $c, you have two options. First, forward, which
passes $c automatically:


If you want the cleanliness of the first way, but still need $c, simply
use ACCEPT_CONTEXT to store a WEAKENED reference to $c in %$self, then
get it in the method.


    sub subroutine {
      my $self = shift;
      my $c = $self->{'_weakened_context'};


At least that's how I've done it:


I could be horribly wrong on that. :-)


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