Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Please tell me where can I find more information about deploying a Catalyst
I think there should be a way of creating a tarball with the whole app,
including the entire application.

When installing it on the target machine (with make, make install) it should
require all the necessary Catalyst and non-Catalyst modules.

It should be also nice if it would be a way of creating automaticly a tarball that contains all the necessary modules, and install them no matter if some of them are already installed on the target machine or not (including the entire Catalyst framework).

How do most of you deploy applications? I've seen several references
to tarballs now. Do you do that even for very large sites?

I've always used cvs/svn for the app. Tagged it for staging/prod and
pulled the changes to the appropriate servers.


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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

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