On 22 Dec 2007, at 00:08, Peter Sørensen wrote:


I downloaded the suggested and installed with perl Makefile.PL,....

I got a lot of prereq from CPAN but when trying to run the application
i get following error:

no file specified at /usr/lib/perl5/site.........Catalyst/Plugin/ Authentication/Store(Htpasswd/Backend.pm

Yes, I've had this problem on my shared hosting env, but nowhere else, and I can't completely remember how I fixed it - possibly by making explicit use lib '/path/to/@inc/' calls in wiab_fcgi.pl, or maybe you don't have Config::General installed. A basic auth.text ships in the application root.

Anyhow there's a working install at wiab.totaldatasolution.com which will give you enough to follow along with the code. Username and password is "test"

As I can see the wiab.conf contains path_to__(auth.txt) and it is probably this is it missing or??


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Kieren Diment [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 21. december 2007 13:00
Til: The elegant MVC web framework
Emne: Re: [Catalyst] Template render problem (plugin error) - Hops-0.05application

On 21 Dec 2007, at 22:39, Peter Sørensen wrote:


I am new to Catalyst. I have just installed it and got my first very
simple application to work.
(Catalyst 5.7012 , perl 5.8.5)

Now I'm trying to learn by example, and have downloaded the
Hops-0.05 application and got this working - I thought.

But when accessing it from my browser I get the following error:

Where's Hops from? It sounds to me like it might be very old. I suggest having a look in the catalyst examples dir in svn for something more up to date:

svn checkout http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/ examples/

Or for something (that I wrote) which is thoroughly documented and n00b friendly (but not the best sw design work in the world - adequate, not great) http://code.google.com/p/websiteinabox/
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