I have what I first thought was a gimme (this is only tangentially related to the questions I asked a few days ago; same app, different DB and part). Legacy porting of a "login" with Authenticate where I already have the user id and everything verified. I have tried many permutations of arguments and setup.

The user has already logged into the legacy part of the app. So this is the code that is not working but I think should.

   my $user_id = ...legacy fetch; working fine
   my $user = $c->model("DB::User")->find($user_id)
or die "RC_403: No such user for id $user_id"; # also working fine

# this dies, I've verified the $user, username, and password are correct
   $c->authenticate({ username => $user->username,
                      password => $user->password })
       or die "RC_403: " . $user->username . " failed to authenticate";

So… why? The legacy setup is a little strange so I think that must be it. The user table's DBIC looks like this (password is plaintext, legacy, and crypt_passwd is sha1 of it)-

 package MyApp::DB::User;
 use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
 __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
__PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/ acctid email fname lname password crypt_passwd /);

 sub username {

My config looks like this-

   default_realm: users
         class: Password
         password_field: crypt_passwd
         password_type: hashed
         password_hash_type: SHA-1
         class: DBIx::Class
         user_class: DB::User
         id_field: acctid

Thanks for looking!

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