generally I do have several corn scripts. so I want to get $user both in MyApp and cron scripts.
what I tried to do is soemthing like that:

the first is a base module which contains schema cache and tt2 and others.

package Foorum::Adaptor::Base;

sub new {
   my $self = shift;
my $params = {};
   return bless $params => $self;
sub config {
   my $self = shift;

   return $self->{config} if ($self->{config});

   my $config = LoadFile("$path/../../../foorum.yml");
   my $extra_config = LoadFile("$path/../../../foorum_local.yml");
   $config = { %$config, %$extra_config };
   $self->{config} = $config;
   return $self->{config};
sub schema {
   my $self = shift;

   return $self->{schema} if ($self->{schema});
   my $config = $self->config();

       = Foorum::Schema->connect( $config->{dsn}, $config->{dsn_user},
$config->{dsn_pwd}, { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 },
   return $self->{schema};
Check Attachment for more details.

then a User adaptor module:

package Foorum::Adaptor::User;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Foorum::Adaptor::Base';

sub get {
   my ( $c, $cond ) = @_;

   my $cache_key = 'user|' . Object::Signature::signature($cond);
   my $cache_val = $c->cache->get($cache_key);

   if ($cache_val) {
       return $cache_val;

   $cache_val = get_user_from_db( $c, $cond );
   return unless ($cache_val);

   $c->cache->set( $cache_key, $cache_val, 7200 );    # two hours
   return $cache_val;

and others. more see attachment.

at last:

package Foorum::Model::User;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Catalyst::Model::Adaptor';
__PACKAGE__->config( class => 'Foorum::Adaptor::User' );


so that we can do in MyApp:

my $user = $c->model('User')->get( { username => $username } );

or cron script:

use Foorum::Adaptor::User;
my $user_model = new Foorum::Adaptor::User();
my $user = $user_model->get( { user_id => 1 } );

is those code correct? or there is another way to do it?


Fayland Lam // Foorum based on Catalyst //
package Foorum::Adaptor::Base;

use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML qw/LoadFile/;    # config
use Foorum::Schema;       # schema
use TheSchwartz;          # theschwartz
use Template;             # template
use Template::Stash::XS;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd qw/abs_path/;
my ( undef, $path ) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);

sub new {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = {};
    return bless $params => $self;

sub base_path {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{path} if ( $self->{path} );
    $self->{path} = abs_path("$path/../../../");
    return $self->{path};

sub config {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{config} if ($self->{config});

    my $config = LoadFile("$path/../../../foorum.yml");
    my $extra_config = LoadFile("$path/../../../foorum_local.yml");
    $config = { %$config, %$extra_config };
    $self->{config} = $config;
    return $self->{config};

sub schema {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{schema} if ($self->{schema});
    my $config = $self->config();

        = Foorum::Schema->connect( $config->{dsn}, $config->{dsn_user},
        $config->{dsn_pwd}, { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 
    return $self->{schema};

*default_cache_backend = \&cache;
sub cache {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{cache} if ($self->{cache});
    my $config = $self->config();

    my %params = %{ $config->{cache}{backends}{default} };
    my $class  = delete $params{class};

    eval("use $class;");    ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval)
    unless ($@) {
        $self->{cache} = $class->new( \%params );

    return $self->{cache};

sub theschwartz {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{theschwartz} if ($self->{theschwartz});
    my $config = $self->config();

    $self->{theschwartz} = TheSchwartz->new(
        databases => [
            {   dsn  => $config->{theschwartz_dsn},
                user => $config->{theschwartz_user} || $config->{dsn_user},
                pass => $config->{theschwartz_pwd} || $config->{dsn_pwd},
        verbose => 0,

    return $self->{theschwartz};

sub tt2 {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{tt2} if ($self->{tt2});
    my $config = $self->config();

    $self->{tt2} = Template->new(
        {   INCLUDE_PATH => ["$path/../../../templates"],
            PRE_CHOMP    => 1,
            POST_CHOMP   => 1,
            STASH        => Template::Stash::XS->new,
    return $self->{tt2};

sub error_log {
    my ( $self, $level, $text ) = @_;

    return unless ($text);
    my $schema = $self->schema();
        {   level => $level || 'debug',
            text => $text,
            time => \'NOW()',    #'



=head1 NAME

Foorum::Adaptor::Base - base module

=head2 AUTHOR

Fayland Lam <fayland at>

package Foorum::Adaptor::User;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Foorum::Adaptor::Base';
use Object::Signature ();

# Usage:
# get($c, { user_id => ? } );
# get($c, { username => ? } );
# get($c, { email => ? } );
sub get {
    my ( $c, $cond ) = @_;

    my $cache_key = 'user|' . Object::Signature::signature($cond);
    my $cache_val = $c->cache->get($cache_key);

    if ($cache_val) {
        return $cache_val;

    $cache_val = get_user_from_db( $c, $cond );
    return unless ($cache_val);

    $c->cache->set( $cache_key, $cache_val, 7200 );    # two hours
    return $cache_val;

# Usage:
# get_multi($c, user_id => [1, 2, 3]  );
# get_multi($c, username => ['fayland', 'testman'] );
sub get_multi {
    my ( $c, $key, $val ) = @_;

    my @mem_keys;
    my %val_map_key;
    foreach (@$val) {
        my $cache_key = 'user|' . Object::Signature::signature( { $key => $_ } 
        push @mem_keys, $cache_key;
        $val_map_key{$_} = $cache_key;

    my $cache = $c->default_cache_backend;
    my $users;
    if ( $cache->can('get_multi') ) {    # for Cache::Memcached
        $users = $cache->get_multi(@mem_keys);
    } else {
        foreach (@mem_keys) {
            $users->{$_} = $c->cache->get($_);

    my %return_users;
    foreach my $v (@$val) {
        if ( $users->{ $val_map_key{$v} } ) {
            $return_users{$v} = $users->{ $val_map_key{$v} };
        } else {
            $return_users{$v} = get_user_from_db( $c, { $key => $v } );
            next unless ( $return_users{$v} );
            $c->cache->set( $val_map_key{$v}, $return_users{$v}, 7200 );    # 
two hours

    return \%return_users;

sub get_user_from_db {
    my ( $c, $cond ) = @_;

    my $user = $c->schema->resultset('User')->find($cond);
    return unless ($user);

    # user_details
    my $user_details = $c->schema->resultset('UserDetails')
        ->find( { user_id => $user->user_id } );
    $user_details = $user_details->{_column_data} if ($user_details);

    # user role
    my @roles = $c->schema->resultset('UserRole')
        ->search( { user_id => $user->user_id, } )->all;
    my $roles;
    foreach (@roles) {
        $roles->{ $_->field }->{ $_->role } = 1;

    # user profile photo
    my $profile_photo = $c->schema->resultset('UserProfilePhoto')
        ->find( { user_id => $user->user_id, } );
    if ($profile_photo) {
        $profile_photo = $profile_photo->{_column_data};
        if ( $profile_photo->{type} eq 'upload' ) {
            my $profile_photo_upload
                = $c->model('Upload')->get( $c, $profile_photo->{value} );
            $profile_photo->{upload} = $profile_photo_upload
                if ($profile_photo_upload);

    $user                  = $user->{_column_data};
    $user->{details}       = $user_details;
    $user->{roles}         = $roles;
    $user->{profile_photo} = $profile_photo;
    return $user;

sub delete_cache_by_user {
    my ( $c, $user ) = @_;

    return unless ($user);

    my @ckeys;
    push @ckeys,
        'user|' . Object::Signature::signature( { user_id => $user->{user_id} } 
    push @ckeys,
        'user|' . Object::Signature::signature( { username => $user->{username} 
} );
    push @ckeys, 'user|' . Object::Signature::signature( { email => 
$user->{email} } );

    foreach my $ckey (@ckeys) {

    return 1;

sub delete_cache_by_user_cond {
    my ( $c, $cond ) = @_;

    my $user = $c->get( $c, $cond );
    $c->delete_cache_by_user( $c, $user );

# call this update will delete cache.
sub update {
    my ( $c, $user, $update ) = @_;

    $c->delete_cache_by_user( $c, $user );
    $c->schema->resultset('User')->search( { user_id => $user->{user_id}, } )

# get user_settings
# we don't merge it into sub get_user_from_db is because it's not used so 
sub get_user_settings {
    my ( $c, $user ) = @_;

    # this cachekey would be delete from Controller/
    my $cachekey = 'user|user_settings|user_id=' . $user->{user_id};
    my $cacheval = $c->cache->get($cachekey);

    if ($cacheval) {
        $cacheval = $cacheval->{val};
    } else {
        my $settings_rs = $c->schema->resultset('UserSettings')
            ->search( { user_id => $user->{user_id} } );
        $cacheval = {};
        while ( my $rs = $settings_rs->next ) {
            $cacheval->{ $rs->type } = $rs->value;
        $c->cache->set( $cachekey, { val => $cacheval, 1 => } );    # for empty 

    # if not stored in db, we use default value;
    my $default = {
        'send_starred_notification' => 'Y',
        'show_email_public'         => 'Y',
    my $ret = { %$default, %$cacheval };                            # merge
    return $ret;



=head1 NAME

Foorum::Model::User - User object

=head1 FUNC

=over 4

=item get

  get($c, { user_id => ? } );
  get($c, { username => ? } );
  get($c, { email => ? } );

get() do not query database directly, it try to get from cache, if not exists, 
get_user_from_db() and set cache. return is a hashref: (we may call it 
$user_obj below)

    user_id  => 1,
    username => 'fayland',
    # etc. from user table columns
    details  => {
        birthday => '1984-02-06',
        gtalk    => 'fayland'
        # etc. from user_details table columns
    roles    => {
        1 => { admin => 1 },
        site => { admin => 1 },
        # etc. from user_roles, $field => { $role => 1 }
    profile_photo => {
        type  => 'upload',
        value => 10,
        # etc. from user_profile_photo table columns
        upload => {
            upload_id => 10,
            filename  => 'fayland.jpg',
            # etc. from upload table columns

=item get_multi

  get_multi($c, user_id => [1, 2, 3]  );
  get_multi($c, username => ['fayland', 'testman'] );

get_multi() is to ease a loop for many users. if cache backend is memcached, it 
would use $memcached->get_multi(); to get cached user, and use 
get_user_from_db() to missing users. return is a hashref:

  # $user_obj is the user hash above
  1 => $user_obj,
  2 => $user_obj,
  # or
  fayland => $user_obj,
  testman => $user_obj,

(TODO: we may use { user_id => { 'IN' => [EMAIL PROTECTED] } } for missing 

=item get_user_from_db()

  get_user_from_db($c, { user_id => ? } );
  get_user_from_db($c, { username => ? } );
  get_user_from_db($c, { email => ? } );

query db directly. return $user_obj

=item update()

  update($c, $user_obj, { update_column => $value } );

the difference between $row->update of L<DBIx::Class> is that it delete cache.

=item delete_cache_by_user()

  delete_cache_by_user($c, $user_obj);

=item delete_cache_by_user_cond

  delete_cache_by_user_cond($c, { user_id => ? } );
  delete_cache_by_user_cond($c, { username => ? } );
  delete_cache_by_user_cond($c, { email => ? } );

=item get_user_settings

  get_user_settings($c, $user_obj);

get records from user_settings table. return is hashref

    send_starred_notification => 'N',


=head2 AUTHOR

Fayland Lam <fayland at>

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