Oh another LDAP subject that I meant to mention - LDAP Injection. It's something that's been mentioned regarding our use of LDAP.

For example C:P:Auth:Store:LDAP suggests using a filter like:


Then does:

$filter =~ s/\%s/$replace/g;

Which on a casual glance would seem to be a possibility for a LDAP-injection attack.

The problems due to SQL Injection are well known and nobody would write similar code to interact with a DB. However there seems to be little in CPAN that acknowledges the risks of LDAP Injection.

I suspect that Net::LDAP doesn't help here, there is a reference to making use of Net::LDAP::Filter to specify queries that will be properly escaped - however there isn't an example in the POD (hell I glanced at the source and couldn't be entirely sure).

So again is this an area that anybody has considered and has some experience to share?

Thanks again,


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