Hi Jennifer,

Quoting Jennifer Ahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> i configured my WRAPPER path to be root/lib/site/wrapper
> where in my root/lib/site/wrapper file:
> [% PROCESS layout %]
> "layout" is under root/lib/stite/html but my application is looking for
> the "layout" file in root/src

I'm not sure I'm understanding your problem correctly but it sounds like
configuring TT's INCLUDE_PATH might help. Try something like the following
in your MyApp::View::TT:

__PACKAGE__->config( {
    MyApp->path_to( 'root', 'lib', 'site', 'html' );
    MyApp->path_to( ... other paths where tt should look for templates ... );
} );

You may want to take a look at the TT configuration manual:


Furthermore, the manual says the following about INCLUDE/PROCESS:

"If a BLOCK definition is not currently visible then the template name
should be a file !!relative to one of the INCLUDE_PATH directories!!, or an
absolute or relative file name if the ABSOLUTE/RELATIVE options are
appropriately enabled."




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