>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matt S Trout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: 01 February 2008 13:29
>To: catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
>Subject: [Catalyst] Catalyst-Plugin-Stacktrace 0.07 dist for testing
>I think I've finally nailed the "DBIC errors occasionally get 
>eaten" bug.
>Please test -
>especially if you've seen the bug.
>If it all looks good, I'll upload the new version to CPAN (and 
>if it turns out to be buggy and you -don't- test it now it's 
>your fault when your application breaks :).

I was having trouble with this yesterday and you helped workaround on
#catalyst. I've tried this new version with my troublesome code of
yesteday and now the exceptions are working with and without
Plugin::StackTrace enabled.

Thanks Matt.


(IRC: CaptainCarlos)

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