* On Fri, Feb 29 2008, Dab wrote:
> Thank you for your answers
> If asked that question is that I make a small application that takes 3
> seconds per request with only one user. It has only 7 tables and uses
> a lot of TT.
> I forget to use /Template::Stash::XS, (thank /Andy) I will make a comparison

Rather than guessing, just fire up the profiler (Devel::DProf) and see
what's taking a long time.  Then you can speed that part up.

I usually do this:

  in Controller::Root:

  sub quit :Local { exit(0) if $ENV{MYAPP_EXIT_OK} }


  $ MYAPP_EXIT_OK=1 perl -Ilib -d:DProf script/myapp_server.pl
  $ ab -n 1000 http://localhost:3000/slow/page
  $ GET http://localhost:3000/quit
  $ dprofpp

  <listing of slow routines>

An improvement would be to just add this to your Makefile.PL:

  sub MY::postamble {
     return <<"EOM";
     \tMYAPP_EXIT_OK=1 perl -Ilib -d:DProf script/myapp_server.pl
     \tab -n 1000 http://localhost:3000/slow/page
     \tGET http://localhost:3000/quit
     \trm tmon.out # if you want

Then "make profile".  Untested.

Jonathan Rockway

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