On 6 Mar 2008, at 11:12, Alex Povolotsky wrote:


I've made a simple many-to-many relationship for user/roles authentication, and suddenly found that

  my $model = $c->model('Pwuser')->search()->all();
  my $roles = $c->model('Role')->search()->all();
  my $ur = $c->model('UserRole')->search()->all();

results in

SELECT me.uid, me.login, me.password FROM pwuser me:
SELECT me.uid, me.rid FROM user_role me:
SELECT me.uid, me.rid FROM user_role me:

nothing get selected from role table, and $c->model('Role')->search- >all selects from wrong table.

How can it be and what can I do?...


You are passing the wrong thing to $c->model and its falling back to the (hateful) regexp search.

Assuming your DBIC::Schema model is MyApp::Model::DBModel you want $c- >model('DBModel::Role').


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