On Mar 15, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Alex Povolotsky wrote:
Mike Whitaker wrote:
On 14 Mar 2008, at 19:00, Kirby Krueger wrote:


I'm writing a new web application, and have decided to jump into Catalyst (because I am smart.)

One thing that Catalyst seems to do well is have a good mechanism for plugging in standard approaches to things. Here at the University of Washington, we use a project called 'Shibboleth' for authentication: http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/

I dunno exactly what Shibboleth does, but if the notes on dealing with external single sign on (http://catwiki.toeat.com/ gettingstarted/tutorialsandhowtos/sso_authentication) are any help, steal away :) (JayK did sanity check them for me, and He Should Know :) )

Well, The Whole Thing seems reasonable; however, maybe you'll provide me with some idea on more complex setup?

I want to AUTHENTICATE users via some external SSO, but KEEP users once they've been authenticated into database.

I have (still) no good idea on interaction of Realm, Password and Store...

This might be a way to approach it: http://openid.net/specs/openid- simple-registration-extension-1_1-01.html

Use OpenID to authenticate and the simple registration protocol to save their info in your own DB (in this case there would be no local password saved, the realm would always be the OpenID path and I'm not sure how you'd connect that with your local store. OpenID accounts are free at several sites so it's not a high barrier to entry. There is a family of CPAN modules by Brad Fitzpatrick and I think one or two OpenID plugins for Cat. The protocol is pretty simple but hacking on it can be very confusing and can make certain setups tricky (I chased a bug for 10 hours doing the stuff b/c I stupidly had the id server address set to / when the real resource was /index.pl).


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