Emmanuel Quevillon wrote:
Stephen Sykes wrote:
Hello Friends,

For the past few days I have been putting together a site for listings of websites driven by the Catalyst MVC framework. The site idea was born out of a discussion on the list here a few weeks ago regarding a lack of any definitive list of sites based on the Catalyst MVC framework. Well, today I would like to announce the site launch. I hope everyone finds the site to their liking and can find the time to register and post their Catalyst driven websites.

Note: I am also planning to release the source code for the site via subversion/trac as soon as I get a couple more admin features finished. So if anyone is interested in helping with the site code we can do this under version control, a sort of community driven project if you will.

URL: http://www.catalystsites.org

Kind Regards,
Stephen Sykes

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Hi Stephen,

Nice website you put on line!
I just wondered how did you do to know that such websites where running under Catalyst? There is no tag(s) like 'Catalyst powered' in the footer of the page. BTW, wouldn't it be nice to have an image/icon like other platforms have saying 'Catalyst powered', as we can see for PHP, mySQL, Hibernate, Apache, .... Just a though, maybe a good point to make catalyst known for more and more people?


Thanks, Emmanuel. I am verifying the sites submissions before setting status to [1 = verified]. You can pretty much tell by URI layout if the site is running under catalyst. Besides, I trust everyone here on the list would not post a non-catalyst site. Thanks for reminding me of the powered by catalyst images, you gave me a great idea for a new footer design on the site. :-)


List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

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