On Apr 25, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Christopher H. Laco wrote:
If changing Accept-Language is too much, (or people want to view a language other than their native), then look at language= in the query params first..if it's empty...honor Accept-Language... rather than forcing /<lang>/ at the front of all urls.

I like the idea (and you could even cookie language prefs instead of a query string solution which would be more expensive/complex with the URI rewrites) but giving up a large chunk of one's search engine results for a more purist interface is a pretty high price. As of last year (haven't checked recently) the googlebot couldn't even correctly index pages served as application/xhtml. Some bots might do the right thing with headers for their target language base(s) but I doubt it's many, if even a minority, of them yet.

It's not a transport issue (like HTML/PDF/JSON/XML/etc) which makes perfect sense for header control because the clients and client-side stuff is being written now in tandem, it's different content and the target clients are laden with legacy behavior. I like PUT and DELETE too but I'm not going to abandon POST as their stand-in (or fall- back) any time soon.

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