On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Andrew Kornak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, I would like any book on Catalyst, even if it was only a
>  single chapter in a larger MVC treatment. I bought Jonathan's book and
>  contrary to another poster's opinion found it quite useful.
>  -Andrew

This is more of my view as well.  It's hard to sell a web framework
book, because it's selling a book about a singular tool when many are
needed to finish a project.  In silly metaphor land, this would be a
book on hammers to build a house.  That's my view on a Catalyst book.

Catalyst is just one tool out of many that deserves detailed
mentioning, but if you _only_ used Catalyst you would have a very
small and useless app.  You need an ORM, view methods (TT, JSON, etc)
and preferably a good front-end toolkit (YUI, Ext, Dojo, etc.)

In my opinion, this is why book sales are stagnating in regards to
_frameworks_.  If we could all play nicely and write a book that
doesn't have Catalyst in the title, but in the contents, everybody
would win.

Dare I say, an Enlightened Perl Development book?

*prod prod*



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