On May 10, 2008, at 5:39 PM, Kieren Diment wrote:
If you maintain a Catalyst::Plugin, View, Controller or anything else, please pay attention and address the following issue:

YAML is not an appropriate configuration format for use in perldoc because both yaml and perldoc are sensitive to white space. Therefore they interact. Even worse they interact in different ways depending on the formatter being used.

You may say that this is not important because people can just remove the indentation from the perldoc at the beginning of each line of the config, but this makes your module less usable for people, and *requires thought*.

If using the trivial parts of your module requires thought, this is overhead for someone learning how to use your software which can be avoided (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_load for details).

So in your modules, Ideally you will provide provide both a __PACKAGE__->config(....) example, and an example using a serialisation format like Config::General (which is much harder to stuff up than yaml). If you're only going to provide one example though please don't make it YAML. If you don't want to have to maintain two config examples, then provide the __PACKAGE__ declaration, which means at least us poor users can then do:

perl -Ilib -e 'use MyApp; use Config::General; Config::General->new- >save_file("myapp.conf", MyApp->config);'

Two or more config examples is nice and kind to users and I think it's a great best practice to include it (maybe someone would attach a simple script to dump several formats? If I have time this weekend, I'll try if no one beats me to it).

Arguing that users who cargo-cult their configs from POD deserve coddling and MODULE AUTHORS MUST ACT TO AVERT THIS DISASTER is silly.


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