On Jul 30, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Tomas Doran wrote:

On 18 Jul 2008, at 11:24, Tomas Doran wrote:

On 18 Jul 2008, at 04:14, Chris Dolan wrote:

So, I just tested 5.7099_02 to great success (bravo!) so I decided to try 5.80 too.

When using SVN rev 8136, I get the error
  "->config->{schema_class} must be defined for this model"
I am indeed setting that field (following the instructions in Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema 0.20 to the letter) but it looks like the schema_class is not getting propagated from the config to the Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema instance via Catalyst::Component::new.

Is this a known problem? Do I need any blead packages other than Catalyst::Runtime for a proper test?

I haven't looked at this specific issue, but I'd be prepared to bet it's a known issue, which I have looked into.

FYI, this issue has now been fixed.

Would be grateful if you could retest, and let us know if this fixes the problem that you were seeing.


Yep, that error is gone (tested 8171).  The next error I see is:

[error] Caught exception in engine "Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /Users/chris/Work/Catalyst/Catalyst-Runtime/ 5.80/trunk/lib/Catalyst.pm line 1244."

where line 1244 is:
    push( @{ $c->stack }, $code );
and "stack" comes from
   has stack => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
That looks pretty straightforward...

Email me off-list if I can provide any more helpful information about my environment.


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