On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 06:30:02PM +0200, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
>> wait, it is on $self not $c, so my reservations don't really apply.
>> but what about reall config stuff that can change from one
>> installation to another? then you have to do $c->config->{my_var},
>> right?
> How isn't something like connect_info real config?

By "real config", I mean stuff which is entirely specific to the app,
and not generic for a particular Cat component. An example might
something like email addresses that input from a certain form is sent
to. Maybe "real" wasn't the best word.

> Put the config in a block specific to the model/view/controller that needs
> it and access stuff from within that component via $self->{whatever}, for
> preference.
> $self->config is broken since it only gives you the class level defaults
> which is why you should never call it.
> $c->config is an acceptable workaround for the fact we don't have a seperate
> app object so you can't do $c->app->my_var yet, but you should try and avoid
> needing it wherever possible.

In my app, I have done it rather differently - anything that is
"config" is in the config file - class level or whatever. And
everything is accessed using $c->config->{whatever}

The reason I like this is simplicity - if it says "config", I know
where to find it, end of story. Just a personal preference.

I guess if it isn't broken or likely to cause issues (it's been like
that for a year and half now) I'm not going to worry about it. Thanks
for the clarification.

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