On 1 Oct 2008, at 02:05, Matt S Trout wrote:

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 08:58:04PM +0200, Stephan Jennewein wrote:

is it possible to use ldap to authenticate and dbic (a database) to handle the user role relation ? So that it works like it resides all in one storage
If yes how do I configure that in the $application.conf ?

LDAP credential.

DBIx::Class store.

See authentication docs for how to configure each.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an LDAP credential module on CPAN at the moment.

However, as noted elsewhere in this thread, coming up with one wouldn't be that hard.

Splitting the current LDAP code so that it could be either a store and/or credential also wouldn't be hard, and I volunteer to help with the effort.

I'm personally fine with the LDAP store, but I've thrown a couple of patches in that direction to add stuff I need, so doing a bit more hacking on it wouldn't push the boat out. I haven't had any response to these yet however, so if anyone reading could poke the Store::LDAP maintainer and get them to join the thread (and respond to my patches!), that'd be awesome...


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