On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 07:18:46AM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
> Another issue I have to look into is query_form() in
> /usr/share/perl5/URI/_query.pm is getting passed utf8 strings, which
> I'm not sure was happening before 5.10.  (My version of query_form
> warns if this happens).  That method must work with octets, something
> I discussed on the LWP list on September 18 and 19,

Oh, that's not related to Perl 5.10.  WWW::Mechanize grabs a form and
correctly decodes it and stores it in the HTTP::Form object.

When WWW::Mechanize POSTS the form the parameters (in the HTTP::Form
object) are passed to query_form() directly (without encoding into
octets first).  As a result query_form() can encode incorrectly:


I'm not clear where exactly the "border" of the application is in this
case, so not sure where the encoding should happen.  And from the
thread on libwww list, I'm not sure it's possible to fix w/o knowing
what encoding is expected.

Bill Moseley
Sent from my iMutt

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