On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Matt S Trout wrote:

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 12:23:38PM -0700, Ashley wrote:
This might be a simple question but I've never had to do it before,
Googling for it is difficult, and none of the main docs seems to have
the info.

I want to run myapp_server.pl script as a proxy as if it were from a

This is easily accomplished with

    ProxyPass /from_dir http://localhost:8080/
    ProxyPassReverse /from_dir http://localhost:8080/

The problem then is $c->uri_for("/") returns http://localhost/ when
http://localhost/from_dir is what is really needed.

Dave Rolsky (autarch) had a proxystuff branch that handled this at one
point, but I'm unsure what happened to it.

Nor am I ;)

There was talk of someone (not me) writing more Engine tests before it was merged, but I don't think that ever happened. FWIW, I did write tests for the bits I changed, IIRC.


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