On Jan 19, 2009, at 7:06 PM, Charlie Garrison wrote:
Good afternoon,

On 19/01/09 at 8:11 PM -0500, Robert L Cochran <cochr...@speakeasy.net> wrote:

I also wonder if Catalyst can make use of a .my.cnf file if there is
one. Why is this important? Because you can keep your connection
password private.

You can pass a path to a "user defaults" file as part of the DBI connect string. I don't recall the syntax though.

This is how I usually do it. The __path_to()__ in configs gets expanded properly.

  schema_class: MyApp::Schema
- dbi:mysql:myappdb;mysql_read_default_file=__path_to (etc/.mysql.cnf)__
    - ~
    - ~
    - RaiseError: 1
      PrintError: 0
      AutoCommit: 1
      ChopBlanks: 1


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