On 8 Feb 2009, at 13:37, Will Hawes wrote:

I've found a few references to Catalyst::Engine::SCGI from 2007, but
it seems to have disappeared at some stage. Can anyone shed any light
on what happened to it - has it just been abandoned, or superseded by
something else?

It still exists in the repository, but nobody has shown any interest in maintaining it for a _long time_, so I doubt that it works any more.

However if you're interested in / willing to maintain it, there is some code already:

http://dev.catalystframework.org/repos/Catalyst/trunk/Catalyst-Engine- SCGI/

which needs some love and attention, but probably shouldn't be _that far_ from working.

If you're interested in working on this then please feel free to stop by #catalyst-dev on irc and someone should be able to give you a commit bit to it, and help out nursing it back to life :)


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