The 'Authorization' header is not being passed to my Catalyst application.

I have read the archives about fastcgi not passing the header and I have tried the following in my Apache 2 config

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.+)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1,PT]

FastCgiIpcDir /var/fcgi_ipc
FastCgiServer /var/www/www.pharmaventures.com/script/pharmaventures_fastcgi.pl -pass-header HTTP_AUTHORIZATION -pass-header Authorization -processes 5 -initial-env PV_DEBUG=0 -initial-env PV_HBX=1 -initial-env PV_DSN=dbi:mysql:port=3306:host=

I don't see a header and I don't see any environment variable in my Cat app.

I have tried variations on the -pass-header Authorization -pass-header AUTHORIZATION but neither works.

Any other ideas?


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