On 20 Feb 2009, at 01:18, Trevor Phillips wrote:
What is the "best practices" for Wiki updates?

There isn't one specifically.

Should new articles be posted to this list first, for discussion, or
should they be just whacked into the Wiki, then posted here for

I'd do the latter, as it doesn't block getting your content out and editable by a bunch of people. If people don't care - they won't read your list post, if they do care then it's going to be easier for everyone to contribute if the text is in the wiki than if you have to tease apart a mailing list thread of comments and re-post.

Although giving the list heads up if you add anything significant that you'd like reviewing is totally cool :)

Is there an alert/review process for Wiki edits? Is there a core team
that will be notified of changes/additions, so they can review/delete?

No, there isn't.

As someone fairly new to Catalyst, I'm happy to contribute, but I'm
hesitant to jump in & start making changes & additions... Perhaps
there should be a prominent page on the Wiki on how to best contribute
to the Wiki?

Well done, you just volunteered to write that page (and some others if I was hearing right) :)


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