Zbigniew Lukasiak schrieb:
Hmm - in my understanding it only changes literals in the code ( $var
= 'ą' ).  So I looked into the pod and it says:

    Bytes in the source text that have their high-bit set will be
treated as being part of a literal
    UTF-8 character.  This includes most literals such as identifier
names, string constants, and con-
    stant regular expression patterns.
Aaaaah SORRY! In my confusion I've confused it again...
So if I get it right, "use utf8" means you can do stuff like $s ~= s/a/ä/; (as the plain ä in the source will be treated as one character and not two octets), while the magical utf8-flag for $s tells perl, that the ä in the scalar really is an ä and not two strange octets.
Am I right or am I completely lost again?
Hmm - maybe I'll add UTF-8 handling in InstantCRUD.  I am waiting for
good sentences showing off the national characters.
Does it have to be a complete sentence? My favourite test-string is something like
äöüÄÖÜß"'+ (UTF-8)
C3 A4 C3 B6 C3 BC C3 84 C3 96 C3 9C C3 9F 22 27 2B (Hex)
If I can put this string into some html-form, post/get it, process it, save to and read from db, output it to browser _and_ still have exactly 10 characters, the application _might_ work as it should. The Umlauts and the Eszett are a pain of unicode, the " and ' are fun-with-html and escaping and the + ... well, URI-encoding, you know...

For even more fun, one should do a regex in the application using utf8 (give me all those äÄs) and select it from the DB, first with "blahfield LIKE 'ä'", maybe "upper(blahfield) LIKE upper('ä')" and finally an "ORDER BY blahfield", where blahfield should contain one row starting with "a", one with "ä" and one with "b" and the output should have exactly this order and _not_ "a,b,ä" (hint hint: utf9 treated as ascii or latin1).

Greets and regards,
Tom Weber

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