On 3 Mar 2009, at 09:08, Octavian Râsnita wrote:
Of course, the only out of the box solution for running the apps would be the CGI way, because for running the testing server or for configuring fastcgi or mod_perl would need root permissions, but I think this is the same in case of other frameworks. (I don't know if using mod_php or mod_python requires the same permissions though...)

Nothing about mod_perl or fastcgi intrinsically requires root permissions. Editing your web server configuration involves having permission to edit your web server configuration.. That doesn't mean that whoever can edit your webserver configuration isn't able to set things up so that you can add mod_perl or fastcgi apps without needing those permissions.

Now in the mod_perl case, this usually isn't done, as the security risks of allowing people to run code directly in the context of the web server are quite high. Shared hosting providers allowing dynamic fastcgi is much more common, and its quite possible to find a shared hosting provider which will host a fastcgi Catalyst app, without you needing root permissions.


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