Oleg Pronin wrote:
How do i should in this case read my config in script context?

use Config::General manually..

MyApp initializes everything - memcached, dbic, uuid, json, etc.

Erm, yes, your config is gonna have memcached and dbic connection info in it..

I wasn't aware that generating UUIDs or JSON had enough state to want to initialize, but I may be wrong. ;)

Given you have your business/domain logic in your controllers, this makes perfect sense, and yes - it _is_ going to be hard to initialize stuff externally.

This is exactly why you separate everything into a model!

By writing 'use MyApp' i get everything i need. Additionally, MyApp is complex system which consists of a lot of modules (by means of C3) and is not only a web framework.

Erm, I have no idea what you're talking about here? MyApp ISA Plugin1, Plugin2, Catalyst, method re-dispatch is through C3..

What plugins are you using which don't do anything web related, and why? (As they're probably a bad idea, and would be better as models)

I would be nagged if i do not load Catalyst at all, then i'll have to use every component from script directly writing a lot of code instead of nice and short 'use MyApp'.

use MyModel;


That isn't a lot of code?

If your actual domain model needs DBIC and/or memcached, then it's fairly easy to set things up such that you either pass in the relevant config (and MyModel creates the objects for you), or you pass in pre-built instances in construction, which your model then uses. (And you then generate the Catalyst::Model::MyModel using Component::InstancePerContext or similar)

The former is probably preferable, as if you have a layer over DBIC anyway, then your client code shouldn't be touching DBIC - that's violating the law of demeter.

I'd say than Catalyst is not _Web_ framework, it is _everything framwork_.

No, sorry - you're doing it wrong.

Catalyst is meant to be thin glue between web (or at least request/response) stuff, and your business logic and state storage.

Classes should _always_ be standalone and validate their own state.

I'm guessing that your DBIC classes are fairly thin, and a lot of the domain logic is in your controllers. This results in no separation of concerns, and an anemic domain model

Not only does this tie you implicitly to the web and make testing your code harder than it needs to be, it also ensures that you're breaking the single responsibility principle, gives you a great headstart for violating the law of demeter.

In my own opinion it is better to make a little difference for scripts (use MyApp { offline => 1 }) - which will not load web stuff and get start lighter.

I'm not concerned with / thinking about how much code you're actually loading - that's a purely secondary concern.

The issue is that you're being forced to jump through hoops to make everything look like it is a web request, and the fact that you need not one but two classes to achieve any state change - a controller to validate that the state change is ok, and then the model to actually store the state change - meaning that the data and code needed to operate on whilst ensuring the data stays valid lives in different places, not nice....

but framework will stay with many features for such scripts - for example, automatic pid file with double execution prevent,

Catalyst doesn't do this for you?

wrapping script for errors detection on log files and many other, i.e. still framework-driven system, not script-driven.

Erm, I'm not suggesting that you should be 'script driven', which I take to mean procedural ;)

All of my 'scripts' these days look like this:

package MyScript::Foo;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Str/;
use namespace::autoclean;

with 'MooseX::Getopt';

has param1 => ( isa => Str, is => 'ro' );

sub run { # Do stuff here, usually a main loop, but delegating mostly to other methods}

__PACKAGE__->new_with_options->run unless caller;

A 'script' does not mean you have to throw away good OO design..


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