I'd recommend using Catalyst::Controller::reCAPTCHA instead to be honest. Get the usage from the sample app in the t/ dir rather than the actual documentaion, it may be inaccurate
On 09/05/2009, at 12:40 AM, t...@dix.cz wrote:

Calling in controller
imediatelly displays the image. How can be the image passed to TT view?

In your TT template:
[% c.create_captcha %]

should work?

No. I'v tried it already. The output is mess..

looking to the module the create_captcha method ends:


   $c->res->headers->expires( time() );
$c->res->headers->header( 'Last-Modified' => HTTP::Date::time2str );
   $c->res->headers->header( 'Pragma'        => 'no-cache' );
   $c->res->headers->header( 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' );


Hm, isn't it buggy?


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