I'm developing an app which uses IIS and FastCGI as its back end. Also, we are expected by the client to use Windows integrated authentication in the server -- this is an intranet app, so no login screen should be expected.

Picking up the user id is fairly easy - it's set as the REMOTE_USER CGI header by IIS authentication, and the engine puts it into the deprecated $c->request->user. I was using this as the identity (bad, I know) and got burned by the fact that we couldn't properly test multiple users with Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst.

I wanted to switch to Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication. This seemed a little unusual when we aren't really doing any authentication, but trying to read the one already performed, so I put together a Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Environment module, that simply reads (the still deprecated) $c->request->user. I didn't really want to do all the authentication with Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, even though is seems possible. And testing was now easy, we got per-user sessions, and everything. Anyway, what I wrote as the main method was:

sub authenticate {
   my ( $self, $c, $realm, $auth_info ) = @_;
   $c->log->debug("Using environment authentication");
   my $username = $c->request->user();
   if ( defined( $username ) && ( $username ne '' )) {
       my $user_obj = $realm->find_user( { username => $username }, $c );
       if ( ref( $user_obj ) ) {
           $user_obj->id( $username );
           return $user_obj;

Is there another simple but better way to achieve this? Ideally one which avoids the deprecated $c->request->user. I'm only starting to use Catalyst for authentication stuff.

All the best
Stuart Watt
ARM Product Developer
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