From: "Tomas Doran" <>
Patricio A. Bruna wrote:
Maybe i explain wrong.
I did not mean load balance, i meant deployment.
i develop my app on my box, and then i need to deploy it on the production server, with the same operating system. downloading all the modules from cpan is time consuming, are any better way?


Use a self contained local::lib. Bootstrap local::lib (see the docs), then, from inside your MyApp directory:

eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib--self-containted,local_lib)
make installdeps

And you'll then have all the dependencies for your app (given you listed them in Makefile.PL) built for you, inside your app directory, where you can add them to revision control.

I generally have a per-app local::lib, and a couple of trivial shell scripts I put in the scripts/ directory which can give you a shell with the environment setup correctly to see this local::lib etc..

Then pushing a new version of your application (and all your dependencies) is just a case of rsyncing your app up to your web server :)


I think it could be very helpful to add these details on the "Deployment" page of the wiki.

BTW, regarding local::lib, does anyone know how can I force install a module that gives an error under Windows when I use it?



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