2009/6/29 Christian Lackas <christ...@lackas.net>:
> OK, as said before, I already had the feeling that it does not fit into
> the model, however, there it would have been the most convenient.

As I say, you'll need a formatting function or functions to turn
dates-as-objects into dates in your page, regardless of timezones.
You can set up your formatter that that it's initailised withh a
timezone, and then your translation from DB-zone to view-zone comes
for free as you would have to do the formatting call anyway.


Once, somewhere once you've discovered the user and know their timezone:

my $user=...

In your view, and I assume TT here and that you've set up
DateFormatter as a plugin or similar:

[% DateFormatter.as_datetime(my_row.birthday) %]

About as simple as it's ever likely to be, with the added advantage
that you have a date formatter with a number of functions to output
dates in one of a limited number of formats, so that your app has a
consistent appearance.


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