Ok, this is what I do, so to spark some ideas. I can't disclose many
details because of legal issues but generally speaking....
XXXLIB is a special module (can't disclose it's name) where all the
XML stuff is done. It uses LibXML as backend (gnome libxml2 via XS).
xxxapp is the app name
xxx_xsd is the XSD file

1) Figure out if the request is HTML or XML. Note XHTML is considered as HTML.

sub xxxmethod : Local {
  my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

  # figure out request type (html | xml)

  # xml lib object
  my $dx = xxxapp::Controller::Util::XXXLIB->new(
    encoding => $c->stash->{encoding},
    schema => $c->config->{root}.$c->config->{xxx_xsd},

2) Process the request data. If it's XML is goes directly. If it's
HTML is goes through an HTML param to XML conversion. Perhaps by using
XFORMS and making XHTML mandatory I could have simplified the code
even more.

  # process request data
  my $req_data = undef;

  # these couple of methods validate xml using the xsd

  # xml request is processed directly by the xml parser
  if($c->stash->{xmlreq}) {
    $req_data = $dx->process_omreq_xml($c->req->body,'xxxmethod');
  # html request is converted into equivalent xml
    # transforms params into a simple xml
    $req_data = $dx->process_omreq_html($c->req->params,'xxxmethod');

  # data did not pass check
    $c->stash->{error} = $dx->{error};
    # code injection check
      $c->stash->{form_action} = $c->request->base.'xxxcont/xxxmethod';
      $c->stash->{form_action} = '';

3) From here on $req_data is a normalized hash... and that's it!


} # end of controller method

sub get_req_type : Private {
  my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
  my $encoding = $c->req->content_encoding;
  # assume UTF-8 if not specified (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
  $c->stash->{encoding} = $encoding ? $encoding : 'UTF-8';
  $c->stash->{xmlreq} = undef;
  my $ct = $c->req->content_type;
  # XML Request
  if($ct =~ m/text\/xml/i){
    my $dx = cqridmp::Controller::Util::XXXLIB->new(encoding =>
    my $dom = $dx->slurp_file($c->req->body);
    my $root = $dom->documentElement;
    #XHTML is HTML
    unless($root->nodeName =~ /.*html.*/i){
      $c->stash->{xmlreq} = 1;

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Chris<hutchinson.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My comment was perhaps more oriented to using a common declarative
>> validation idiom such as an xml schema because with this particular
>> project, I found myself maintaining FormBuilder YAML files and XSDs.
>> Then I decided to convert HTML to XML and use the common XSD for both.
>> Since most decent XML parsers already perform the validation, and they
>> are usually quite fast, I thought that perhaps something similar to
>> the FormBuilder plug-in could be built that used an XML approach.
> I like the idea of a single 'base format' which can be used to drive
> the validation and the form layout too.
> Is your scheme a format which, when rendered as html, defines the form
> and, when parsed appropriately, provides the form validation too?
> As in:
> <form>
>  <input type="text" id="abc" format="integer" /><br />
>  <input type="submit" />
> </form>
> - Chris
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