Short version:

Using [% c.req.uri_with({ page => pager.next_page }) %] is fine for a simple
single-field search (where the form uses GET instead of POST)... but how do
we PAGE through (and/or cache) a multi-field form search that uses POST?

Long version:

This is probably already a posted recipe somewhere, but I haven't had much
luck finding answers via googling combinations of 'perl catalyst post cache
pager' ... so pointers are welcome:

# Form has lots of fields, we'll just nab a sample handful from the POST:

my @terms = map{s/\s+//; $_} split /,/, $form->field('keywords');
# I know, but it's just an example, this isn't a robust search-field parser

my %search = (
    asof => {
        # date field "asof" must be within date range
        '>=' => $form->field('start_date'),
        '<=' => $form->field('end_date'),
    terms => [
        # field "terms" can contain any of the keywords
        map { +{ -like => '%' . $_ . '%' } } @terms

my $page = $c->req->param('page');
$page = 1 if ! defined( $page ) || ! $page || $page =~ /\D/;
my $result = $c->model('Package')->search( \%search, {page=>$page} );

$c->stash->{results} = $result;
$c->stash->{pager} = $result->pager;

Then, in the template:

<a href="[% c.req.uri_with({page => pager.prev_page}) %]">Prev</a>
<a href="[% c.req.uri_with({page => pager.next_page}) %]">Next</a>

That works well for simple GET forms where the ?field=val syntax is used in
the URI.

What's the approach for paging the (cached?) query results from a
complex-field POSTed search form?

I'm imagining a two-table DB solution where we cache the found row-id's in
table `cached_search_row` and link that to `cached_search`, then have the mentioned in the URI. I'm hoping there's a better way
someone has already conjured up that doesn't have all the drawbacks of this
approach that we haven't even thought of...

Thanks in advance!

will trillich
"It's only by saying 'no' that you can concentrate on the things that are
really important." -- Steve Jobs

will trillich
"It's only by saying 'no' that you can concentrate on the things that are
really important." -- Steve Jobs
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