On 16 Jul 2010, at 17:55, Rob Hoelz wrote:
This way, applications requiring a custom load order can override determine_component_load_order if they which, and plugins can override it to provide cool features like dependency resolution.


This year's GSOC project is to put Bread::Board into Catalyst, giving us full dependency resolution (and lots of other nice things), rather than relying on what is basically a hack (loading components in a specific order)..

However I do feel your pain - in the short term I'd go with the solution Eden suggested.

after setup_components => sub {
    my $app = shift;
    for (keys %{ $app->components }) {
$app->components->{$_}->initialize_after_setup($app) if $app- >components->{$_}->can('initialize_after_setup');

Something like that?


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