
like in the def. guide 2 catalyst described I've tested a progressive authentication via DB and LDAP, which worked just fine :-D But now I have to use an already existing DB, which has different column-names. As long as I authenticate via a DB everything works, because I can pass the the column-name as keys:

            if ($c->authenticate({ user_identification => $username,
                                   user_password => $password  } )) {

Unfortunalty the auth-call doesn't work for the LDAP-auth any more.

Is there a possibilty to map the keys, so they also work for a LDAP-authentication?
Or do I have to duplicate my code and pass the realm, like:

            if ($c->authenticate({ username => $username,
password => $password }, 'ldapAuth' )) {

thanx :-D

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