Many thanks for testing this release.

Pedro Melo <> writes:

> I've noticed a small difference with Catalyst::Test. The latest stable
> version include two headers, 'host' and 'https'. They are missing from
> this version.
> Is this a documented change that I missed or a bug?

It's certainly not the former, but I'm not sure it's the latter either.

When doing local requests using Catalyst::Test (i.e. without
CATALYST_SERVER to do remote testing set), HTTP::Request::AsCGI used to
be used. We got rid of that and switched to using the infrastructure
provided by Plack::Test instead.

For local requests, Plack::Test::MockHTTP will now be used, so the
HTTP::Requests from your tests will be turned into PSGI env hashes and
then handled by your app. Apparently Plack::Test::MockHTTP doesn't set
either HOST or HTTPS headers like HTTP::Request::AsCGI does. Instead it
provides the server host in the SERVER_NAME header, and the uri scheme
(http or https) in psgi.url_scheme.

I'm not sure if this change of behaviour is something we should fix
though. The engine knows that a request is secure by checking
psgi.url_scheme, and applications can ask for that using
$ctx->request->secure. Similarly, the request host was, is, and probably
always will be available as $ctx->request->host.

Did these changes actually cause your app to break? If so, what exactly
does the code that broke look like?

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