On 2 Mar 2011, at 05:43, John M. Dlugosz wrote:

On 3/1/2011 9:58 AM, Bill Moseley moseley-at-hank.org |Catalyst/ Allow to home| wrote:
At build time I minimize and compress css and js (and images) and combine into single files grouped by page(s). They could be pre-processed by TT very easily. The final file names include an MD5 of their content forcing a
re-fetch only if they ever change.
So you added that to the makefile somehow? I take it the generated name must be supplied to the page's template once it is known. I'd like to learn more about your system.

Yes, you can append things to the Makefile to

So if you make a small change, you have to re-install the whole app? If the file name changes, I can't just use Unison to sync the directory on the production server.


Installing to production servers via rsync / unison is insane, as there is exactly no way of knowing what version the production server is on, with what bugs... Which means that all bug reports become useless - as you never know if the user was using the site before or after you fixed (or, more often, you think you fixed, but didn't really fix a bug)..


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