On 3/17/2011 4:24 AM, Carl Franks fireartist-at-gmail.com |Catalyst/Allow to 
home| wrote:
It looks like cpan installed it, though its dependancies didn't install cleanly.
Makefile.PL fails to require() it, so thinks its not installed.
Try installing Data::Visitor - and check cpan's output for errors.
If that still doesn't work, force install the listed modules:
     cpan i -f Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader

I know in the past cpan would continue to install modules, even if
their prereqs failed - I can't remember if this was fixed by a cpan
upgrade or a cpan config setting.


Thanks for the advice, everyone.

I ended up rolling back and trying again. If I install the modules myself from cpan, it works fine. If I let 'make' pull stuff in, it goes crazy! I noticed the latter is using "cpanplus" at least sometimes. I wonder if that's the difference? I could not find a place in the cpanplus configuration to add 'sudo' like I did with cpan.

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