On 10/10/2011 16:37, jul....@gmail.com wrote:
Anyway do you plan to port the interface to ExtJS 4 ?

Maybe, but no definite plans.

Here are a few thoughts I have right now...

1) the current interface works quite well
2) but there's too much logic in the templates so they need rewriting
3) the license terms of ExtJS (2.x and 4.x) are evil (GPLv3)
4) is there another, similar, toolkit with a better license?
5) but not JQuery + 1001 plugins - I think this is messy
6) I'm not a UI person so it's a lot of effort for me to do

ExtJS 4 doesn't seem to offer much that would improve the interface, other than perhaps the paging-less "infinite scroll" grid.

As the frontend's API (the AJAX/JSON bit) isn't documented, I don't expect to have anyone cough up a new interface. But if any mock-ups with other JS toolkits are forthcoming then there's a good chance I'll try to graft it on if the features (filtering, etc) are equivalent.


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