On 24 October 2011 10:31, Alec Taylor <alec.tayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Should I take a look at something like Magento? - Or keep to Perl
> stuff like Catalyst?
> (note I am currently a good C++ coder, and can code C and Python)

Look at Mango and Handel, both on cpan (and github iirc) - they are a
good foundation to build on, and could do with somebody picking up the

Mango is a f/w that extends/buildson/forks Handel, and they're both
Catalyst - they're aren't a "drop in and go" solution and I'm not even
sure they're finished, but when I was spec'ing out a large e-commerce
project for a freelance client they appeared from my reading through
the author's blogs and the code itself to do the lions share of heavy


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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