El 04/11/2011 13:59, Dmitry L. escribió:
Catalyst::Cookbook and found advice to use Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC, but
on Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC cpan page it is marked as deprecated.

Could you give me an advice which module to use or how I can build this app?

Try out Catalyst::Plugin::Server.

Watch out for one thing: it depends on Clone::Fast, and it looks like cpan and cpanm can't locate the dist.

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JJ/JJORE/Clone-Fast-0.92.tar.gz

untar it, and install it first.

If Clone::Fast fails, please report back to me. I'm the maint for Catalyst::Plugin::Server, and wouldn't want to be depending on a very broken module.

Best Regards,

Jose Luis Martinez

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