
I am trying to get role based authorization going in my catalyst app. However, 
I'm encountering difficultly on what should be an easy task.

My database basically has four tables for users

User - Main User data with foren keys to User Account(has many) and UserToRole 
(has many)
UserAccount  - Data to store account login type (ie openid, facebook etc)
UserToRole - Linkage table from user to user role
UserRole - table with the role names.

My Package config looks like:

    ( name => "Signup::Web",
      "Plugin::Authentication" => {
          default_realm => "facebook",
          realms => {
              facebook =>{
                  credential =>{
                      class => "FBConnect",
                      api_key  => 
                      secret   => 
                      app_name => 
                  store => {
                       class => 'DBIx::Class',
                    user_model => 'MyApp::User',
                    role_relation => 'user_to_roles',
                    role_field => 'title'                  
... more auth types

When I try and run my program I get 
Failed to load user data.  You passed [ARRAY(0x39a8964)] to authenticate() but 
your user source (MyApp::User) only has these columns: 
[id,alias,name_first,name_last,email]   Check your authenticate() call.

Any idea on how I can load the roles?

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