
I have tried to reproduce the issues. I can't rollback the target machine.
I have access to another machine that should bee identical to three first.
It is having a cpan issue that I am trying to fix.

I'll report more asap

> Which test, which version?
> (As yes, they should!)
> Getopt::Long isn't actually used anywhere in the tests directly - so I'm
not sure what to look for here :(
> >
> > Second, the test "t/aggregate/live_component_controller_attributes.t"
> > fails with the message:
> >
> >        Bad name after view' at
> > t/aggregate/live_component_controller_attributes.t line 23.
> >        # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output
> >
> > I'm not sure what to do about this one.
> I've just installed RHEL 5.8, and successfully installed the latest
Catalyst::Runtime (without seeing either of your issues) on the system perl.
> So anything you're seeing must be due to a bad downstream dependency. :(
> I'd be much obliged if you could try chasing these up / working out what
they are, so that we can fix them.
> Cheers
> t0m
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