On 25/03/13 03:13 Alejandro Imass wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Robert Rothenberg <rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've not gotten replies to my posts regarding HTTP authentication, so I'm
>> starting a separate thread.
>> I am running a Catalyst app as a separate server with a reverse proxy.
>> If I pass the REMOTE_USER to the Catalyst app via a header such as
>> X-Proxy-REMOTE_USER, how do I set the REMOTE_USER value for in the Catalyst 
>> app?
> Is this FastCGI on Apache?? If so, the issue is not Catalyst bu that...

Not, but I know how to pass the variable via headers.

The issue is getting Catalyst to use the header in place of the environment

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