Hey Catalyst Developers,

This evening  we released the second development release in the Catalyst 
'Hamburg' development cycle.  It fixes some issues with the PSGI middleware 
integration which was the main feature of 001, and it also introduces a first 
pass at supporting alternative POST/PUT request body formats.  So yes, welcome 
to 2013 because now Catalyst will parse JSON out of the box!

Here it is on CPAN, 

There's still a ton more that needs to happen for Hamburg, small stuff and big 
stuff.  So there's lots of opportunity for people to step up, commit a few 
hours and actually have an impact (and I am very happy to mentor you if you 
need help getting started).  I'll blog / write more later after I see 002 
settle down on CPAN, but for now you can review the out stand list for hamburg 
over on quest hub : http://questhub.io/realm/perl/explore/latest/tag/hamburg  
(this needs a bit of updating to reflect work that is out for test on clan, but 
is still a goof one to look at).

Even installing the new development release and playing with the new data 
handler feature (as well as the PSGI middleware feature) and giving feedback is 
pretty useful.  I've really found in the last few discussions that the 
community thoughts have a big impact on making features real.

    cpanm --dev Catalyst::Runtime


John (jnap)

List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
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