From: Bill Moseley 

  On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Bill Moseley <> wrote:

    Anyone aware of a good, portable way in Perl to encode the filename in a 
Content-Disposition header? I would like to support UTF8 filenames, but support 
in browsers is unclear (if not changing).

    Is this complexity something that the Catalyst framework should handle?   
It's one of those areas where it's easy to get wrong (I can see many different 
approaches in our own code).

  I have no idea what the client can accept or what its OS uses as a 
path-separator, and I don't want to go down the client-sniffing path, anyway.

  I have a user-supplied character string that I want to use as the filename, 
which I have to assume can contain any unicode character since it's 
user-supplied data.

  From my limited tests it seems most modern browsers are supporting the 
"filename*" extension.   Each browser does some special handling (like 
replacing the path-separator, or adding a file extension based on content-type 
if no file extension is in the filename).

  All I want to do is make valid HTTP headers and let the client decide how to 
handle it, but also provide a usable filename (not just underscores, for 

  So, all I'm after is to make this valid markup:

    $c->res->header( content_disposition =>
            qq[attachment; filename="$ascii_file"; filename*=UTF-8''$utf8_file] 

  The filename* is easy, I'm finding:

    my $utf8_file = uri_escape( Encode::encode( 'UTF-8' => $filename ) );

  But the $ascii_file is a bit more work.  Percent-encoding doesn't work.   So, 
have to do a bit of filtering.

  See any easier/cleaner/more-correct approach?   When I see this much code I 
tend to think it's the wrong approach.

    You can use Text::Unidecode if you want to replace special chars with ASCII 


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