If you're handing off the mail to exim, you're fine.  Your implementation is 
correct for your use case

  ---> Of course, I'm guessing I'm handing off to exim - I should probably do 
something to check!

  if the sign up for your service,
  queue a "send them a welcome email" job,
  and let the web request request return.

  Then a separate process:
  sees that an email needs to be sent,
  generates the email,
  and hands it off to exim.

  ----> So what does the separate process have to be? A process apart from my 
Catalyst app - like an entirely different perl script that could be a cron job 
or something - or can I return a response to the browser within my catalyst 
subroutine, and then call a private catalyst subroutine to handle the email 

  ---> And yes, after the quick fix, it wouldn't hurt to debug and see if there 
are memory issues. 
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