Last evening I stopped at Montezuma NWR. The most interesting bird was a
distant phalarope viewed from the route 89 parking area south of the
Thruway and north of the refuge manager's residence. I stopped here to
scan the ducks to the east and was surprised by the number of
shorebirds. I almost immediately found a phalarope. Again, although very
distant, the viewing conditions were ideal at 6:30 PM. At 60X the bird
appeared all white with the exception of a brownish mantle. I think had
it been a Red necked Phalarope the nape would have appeared darker and
the black eye line would have been visible. Additionally, the bird would
occasionally leave the water and forage along the muddy edge, something
I have never seen a Red necked Phalarope do but have seen this behavior
with Wilson's Phalaropes. I can't be 100% sure it was a Wilson's
Phalarope, but I think it highly likely.

Gary Chapin
Victor, NY

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