Ann and I also saw a juvenile Glaucous Gull at Stewart Park this afternoon. I presume it may be the same one previously reported.
The diner Ann spoke of is the "New York Style Diner" on Brighton Ave. about one block south of Thurber St. I know Steve Fast would be curious ;).
Gary wrote:
Gary and I went to Syracuse this A.M. to see the Yellow-throated Warbler, and after 1.5 hour's, we finally saw it.  The bird showed up for a bit, foraging at a very quick pace and then it moved on. We could have stood around for another 1 and 1/2 hours, but we were rather cold by then.  After leaving the warbler, we came across a diner that had a great variety of breakfast foods. Fantastic food!. Ithaca should have a diner like that. The birding down the east side of the lake was great also! We saw Horned Grebes, but have to come back for Eared Grebes.
Best, Ann Mitchell

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