This morning I hit a couple local spots, with a few notable birds.
Stevenson Road compost - Iceland Gull
Sapsucker Woods, Wilson Trail N - Cedar Waxwing, House Finch, RED-SHOULDERED
HAWK, Sharp-shinned Hawk, YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER (called several times from
high in the trees, never seen), Pileated Woodpeckers
Hanshaw Road near Etna Road - Northern Flicker

Then I met up with Tom Johnson around midday and we headed up the east side
of the lake.  Highlights:
Myers Point - 11 Gadwall
Aurora Bay - 4 Horned Grebes
Union Springs - Eastern Screech-Owl, Gadwall
Harris Park, Cayuga - 7 MUTE SWANS
Mud Lock/North of Railroad Bridge - hundreds of Tundra Swans, Redhead,
Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck
Savannah Mucklands - 1000+ gulls towards the east of the mucklands; lots of
interesting looking Herring Gulls, but nothing out of the ordinary that we
could find; several hundred Canada Geese with one presumed CANADA x SNOW
HYBRID (overall similar to Blue Goose: white head and neck, more uniformly
dark body than Snow; bill darker than Snow; in flight with a white V rump
like Canada); SAVANNAH SPARROW calling with American Tree Sparrows in the
ditch along the highway.

Ice edge, south end of Cayuga Lake State Park road - Great Blue Heron,
Tundra Swans, 2 Snow Geese, white domestic goose, no other geese or gulls of
Varick - Belted Kingfisher
Sheldrake - 20+ Red-breasted Mergansers, 2 Hooded Mergansers

At Stewart Park around 4:00, the same dark Iceland Gull was on the ice with
the other gulls, a flock of 17 Canvasback flew by, and lots of geese on the
ice, though we couldn't find anything of note amongst them.

Jay McGowan
Dryden, NY


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